
Market Stats Summerville and Ladson Area

Fri, Jun 17th 2011 4:18 pm by Roy Parker Market Stats

Year to date stats for closed sales in MLS Area 62 which is the Summerville and Ladson area through May has 135 sales YTD with a Median Sales Price of $134,000. This is a decline of a negative 2.9% in Median Sales Price compare to 2010 Median Sales Price of $140,000. The current inventory for residential listings in this area is 287 homes. with the average monthly sales for the past 12 months being 28.6 homes the current inventory will take over 17 months to sell out.

In MLS Area 63 which is made up of the Summerville and Ridgeville area, YTD sales for this area is 315 units with a Median Sales Price of $154,990 which is a decline of 8.0% compared to the Median Sales Price of $168,502 in...

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